Nlink Tech


Custom Development Offerings

Application Development Services

Optimal business performance through custom software tailored to complement your goals and needs.

System Integration Services

Through our tech partnerships with modern platforms, we provide software customization and integration services.

Dashboards, ETL, and BI Services

Get systems “talking to each other” to make business more efficient by putting the right information in the right hands.

Application Migration

We provide cloud migration services, technical architecture reviews, and complete application refinement to bring your IT up to date.

Big Data Application Services

Custom tools built to provide the deepest insights into your business using the results of high-volume big data processing.

Real-time Applications Development Services

Harness the power of technologies like sensor data monitoring, stream processing, etc to get real-time data responses.

Why choose custom software?

Off the shelf software can be a good short term solution. The problem? It doesn’t scale with your business and your needs. You need software that fits your processes and workflows to outcompete others.